The long knives will come out for Jill Biden if the DNC decides good old Joe shouldn't run again. It should be easy--the Biden Crime Family has committed far worse crimes than Trump ever did. It would be a shame if something happened to their ill-gotten gains...Jill will tell Joe to give up the nomination.

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Jul 4Author

What's interesting is that they've managed to keep Hunter Biden's debauchery out of the spotlight . He could be sentenced and go to prison, and the media wouldn't even report on it, or ask about it. Because, you know, journalism...

But 'Ole Joe would still be out there saying, "Hunter is the smartest guy I know!"

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I think if the deep state/regime decides joe has to go, he and jill will see this card slipped under their WH bedroom door one night…

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Jul 6Author

Oh yeah! I can see that.

Nobody, or nothing is safe! 😮

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“Everything falls back on the American people. This involves fixing things at the local level, then pushing uphill”.

You’re not the first to make this point recently but still you are one of the few. All of the decisiveness at the top can only be ended by cohesion in our communities. It’s never been about supporting our politicians or parties. It’s about our neighbors. Do what’s right rather than protest what’s wrong. Build, don’t blame.

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Jul 2Liked by OGRE

Your statement about “neutering Trump” by [not articulated specifically, but implied] voting fraud at the congressional level is the salient point on which everyone must focus. Should be easy, cloaked as it will be by the fog of celebration of another Trump victory.

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Jul 2Author

It will be interesting to see how many Trump voters, vote Democrat down ballot. 🤔

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by OGRE

Everything you write is true, especially the part about "neutering President Trump."

They have long since started that process. What about the Russians and Chinese. Do you think they are just going to stand back while Trump retakes the country (as much as he can).

Or is China going to speed up it's plan for Taiwan.

So many questions.

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