But even the rate for the elderly, who test positive, like how how accurate is it when they've used the midazolam morphine fentanyl ventilators and all these other treatments? The whole thing seems very completely fake at this point.

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Jul 5Author

You're correct. The protocols were what caused the vast majority of hospital deaths.

Of course, you'll always have those people who are REALLY bad off, and go in at the last minute. Those people are often have generally poor health already.

Also one must consider the people who were elderly, had the Flu --which is treatable, but were "diagnosed" with COVID-19 and sent packing! They sent them back to the nursing home without treatment. Those numbers have to be staggering.

There's only two possibilities, either the entire COVID-19 response was botched, or it went precisely as planned. We know the answer, because they followed a script.


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Have long since quit listening to the advice (read propaganda) from from Federal and my state PH officials. Have also mostly quit listening to the cardiologists (five so far) that all try to prescribe statins (second worse to the covid jabs) and other pharma products. Seem to be doing just fine here, doing my own research.

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Sep 24Liked by OGRE

"Long Coved" = poison-19 injection injuries, same for "Monkey Pox"

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It's possible. It could just be more side effects from the jabs. After all, the human trials are "ongoing."

There will soon come a point where the only people in generally good health -- will be the ones who never got jabbed. What then?

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by OGRE
Jul 6Author

I made that chart using Libre Office running on a Raspberry Pie computer!

Here’s the conversion: (Percentage) = 100 - (Fatality Ratio*100) 😉👉

Honestly, I think someone on the inside let this data slip early on — to show people that something wasn’t right! I posted that on 09/27/20. The CDC Infection Fatality Ratio chart was available earlier than that.

The COVID-19 response never made sense for an illness that had a fatality ration on par with the Flu.

And yet NOBODY in the media dared to question this? 🤔

Oh, you might like this article as well:


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thanks I will pin this in comments of my article

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The Elohim has disguised the bad for good, since the beginning, are u people awake yet? Christians need to put the church on notice, Deuteronomy 13- This passage contains the real reason Yeshua/Jesus was killed.🙏🌎 Read Deuteronomy 13 then read John 8. Consciousness is rising and we’re sick of the lies, The lies from the government, the media and the CHURCH!!!!

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