Amazing info - thank you!! Even when someone I loathe wins, I suck it up and wait for the next election. In the past elections, even 2022, I didn't know as much about how filthy dirty our elections are! Thank you for shedding light on this! I'm working both elections this year and I want to keep an eye on them!! I'm trained as a voter registration agent, a poll challenger, and various positions during the elections (registration clerk and exceptions judge). Triple threat! But I have no teeth to do anything really. But I watch, watch, watch all day long!

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I'm going to see what I can do this year. I have a work from home job now, and my voting precinct is right up the road.

I haven't seen anyone do anything strange any of the times I've voted, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something happening on the back end. I think they use Dominion stuff here where I live.

I work with IT and automation, so I want to see how insecure and cheesy their network setup really is. I can also get a snapshot of the wireless access points, and run Wireshark to see if any of the data is open and unencrypted.

I can do that from the parking lot, even if I don't volunteer. I just want to see for myself.

Speaking of insecure. A few years ago me and my wife had our debit cards skimmed, but I found out that they didn't do it with a traditional skimmer.

I narrowed it down, and the only place that we both used our cards, was at one Hess gas station. I found out that Hess gas stations didn't/don't use encryption for the wireless between the pumps and the store. I couldn't believe they were using wireless to begin with. There's power and everything at the pumps already, why wouldn't it just be hardwired?

Anyway, there was a story about it here in Florida from a Miami news station. When they asked Hess about why they didn't use encryption between the pumps and the store, they said, "Because it's not a requirement."

People could skim the cards by sitting in the parking lot, running Wireshark on a laptop, and just watch the card numbers and pin numbers go by. 16-digits (card number) 4-digits (pin number). Completely open and unprotected. They didn't even have to go up to the pumps! You could even sit a mobile phone in the bushes or something, and configure it to capture data. It's super easy to do. Simple encryption would stop that, but hey, it's not a requirement.

I never use my card at a pump anymore. I always go inside and prepay.

My guess is that the Dominion voting systems are just as insecure. Probably using all default passwords. It will be interesting to find out.

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Some well-known IT guy (can't remember his name for the life of me!) broke into a Dominion machine in a meeting or court or somewhere else public to prove it could be done but nothing ever came of it. It was someone highly respected, too. I always go inside to pay for gas. I'm skittish about those skimmers because what if I can't tell it's there?

In the movie "2000 Mules," Dinesh D'Souza (I think) proved and showed that people were stuffing those unattended ballot boxes. They allow them here and our SOS won't allow people to watch them. For awhile people weren't allowed to come from nursing homes, etc., and bring stacks of filled-out ballots into the precinct. Now there are those blasted drop-off boxes. She's a hyper-partisan Soros-funded lefty. Funnily enough, in 2022, the lefties got all five congress seats and the main state-wide offices here in NM. Nobody is or was shocked. Governor, lt gov., SOS, Treasurer, etc. - all of them.

All you can do is anything you can do! It may not help now but it might someday! For my part I need to write down WHO said WHAT and the date! I always think I'm going to remember but...

Good for you and your wife!

Those Dominion machines are a very unfunny joke. Even with chain-of-custody, there are still plenty of opportunities to cheat. I think it all goes on after the polls close and everyone who worked goes home. New Mexico is always at the top of bad state statistics and bottom of good state statistics. I think we went from 50th to 48th in education one year but I believe we're even below Washington DC right now. The governor throws money at the problem (once it was big teacher raises but without any performance qualifications). Once it was to fix classrooms but at least one school used it all to remodel the administrative offices.

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Throwing money after poorly performing schools never works. There's no real way for public schools from the top. It would require all parties coming together, parents, kids, and teachers.

However, most people use school as a daycare. I did a story about that years back. New York had school choice, and the parents complained -- because now they had to figure out which school to send their kid(s) to. I'll post that here on Substack in a little bit.

I remember the guy you're talking about breaking into the machines. Someone bought a Dominion machine on eBay too if I remember correctly. The machines are supposed to go back to the manufacturer after use. Good chain of custody there! Someone stole a whole voting machine and nobody noticed?

Time to post that school choice article. 😉👉

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Awesome work..

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