They forgot the N-95's for hospital employees! That's kinda MAJOR!!!

We were told no 95's for the entire year 2020 or longer...unless that was deliberate too. It certainly ramped up fear, although, didn't see much illness THAT year.

Any illness that was, looked just like the flu but was called covid (even if PCR was negative) and all the flu disappeared. Nurse

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I did a post about that as well. There was a great interview with a hospital lab tech, who tested some of the COVID-19 swabs in a the flu analyzer.


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Mar 13Liked by OGRE

Trump signed the Prep Act, giving vast immunity to countless crimes against humanity.

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The PREP Act was signed by George Bush in 2005, became law and has been amended several times. Trump signed an Amendment.

Reagan signed law protecting vaccine manufacturers from Liability.

JFK signed vaccine law, opening door to vaccine requirements.

Our government considers the members of our military to be guinea pigs and is happy to experiment on them. It'd be nice if Robert Malone exposed the vaccine experiments he tried on our brave soldiers while working with his BFF Sina Bavari at USAMRID...because vaccine development, public health emergencies tied to "national security" are DOD/DTRA/DARPA/HHS/BARDA tasks that Malone has been a part of for decades - he's still under a DOD contract.

The DOD has the largest R&D budget - most folks don't know that. They've been working on modernizing and speeding up production of flu vaccines for many years, as Project GreenVax confirms - the predecessor to Operation Warp Speed.

The DOD didn't need an EO to produce mRNA "vaccines" as it had clinical trials with Moderna's Cancer mRNA transfections BEFORE Trump’s EO. The flu mRNA transfections were tested in the 1990s - it's as "new" and "novel" as coronaviruses. We've "invested" billions of dollars in creating chemical and biological weapons that kill us. But we're not the only country doing it, unfortunately.

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You're right.

That's where "Gulf War Syndrome" came from. Vaccine testing.

Of course, they tried to blame it on all sorts of things, but there was never any congruency between the people with symptoms, and the environments they were exposed to. However, they were nearly ALL "vaccinated" before being sent overseas.

Gulf War Syndrome was/is the long-term side effects of whatever those service members were "vaccinated" with.

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Mar 13Liked by OGRE

The PREP Act is not the only measure that limited liability. There were states that wrote into law limited liability before the PREP Act came into being. Houston, we have a problem. https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2020/05/05/legal-liability-health-care-covid19-coronavirus-pandemic/

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Mar 13Liked by OGRE

Very true. There is a kill box of laws and legislations going to back to the 1950s allowing indemnity for almost anything during an emergency or with vaccines or with unintended consequences, but the Prep Act is the single biggest item in the dozens if not hundreds of indemnifying laws and regulations.

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Correct. It's layered with decades of overlapping legislation to allow for just this sort of thing.

They never would have done any of this unless they already *knew* that they could get away with it.

And they have. The majority of top players involved in the pandemic planning racket are going to die before anything happens to them.

I believe that Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt are correct on this. Without laws being changed/removed, these people are not legally liable, for the foreseeable future.

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Mar 12Liked by OGRE

While I whole heartedly agree that the planned pandemic was a conspiracy of global proportions, and I agree that President Trump was much too proud and unapologetic for the Warp Speed charade, I do not think that Trump was instrumental in its development or implementation.

Was he duped by fawning sycophantic manipulators throughout his term on this and so many other issues, most definitely. Will in happen in a second term, probably, but hopefully with less frequency.

Does he need to come clean and admit that his was made a participant, through the fluffing of his ego? Maybe not in those exact words, but the message that he learned from that (and other) mistakes, does need to be addressed, publicly.

Is there a viable alternative to a Trump second term? Even knowing all the above, not from my perspective.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12Author

I can't say whether or not Trump was complicit in the leadup to the planned pandemic, but he damn sure knows about how it went down by now.

Trump is in a pickle either way.

Either he admits that he was duped (which can be used against him by the left) or he doesn't admit anything and potentially alienates his base.

But there's a third (arguably worse) option, and Trump took it. He went a step further to hype and support the vaccines as recently as last week. I just can't see him taking that option unless he plans to support the vaccines throughout his second term.

Is there the possibility that he's going to get elected, and then hang all those involved in the pandemic out to dry? I suppose, but I just don't see that happening.

I'm worried that Trump is one of those people who takes a bad thing (bad premise -- bad at the onset) and tries to control it or correct it -- when it should not exist to begin with.

Take Obamacare for instance, instead of getting rid of it, Republicans decided to leave it -- so that they can have that control.

The issue I have is with the control scheme itself. Sure, someone could correct things within a top-heavy/totalitarian system, but that's not ideal. Another bad person could step in next and use that same control system for any purpose. The ideal thing to do is to not have a totalitarian control scheme in the first place.

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I started thinking about voting for RFK as an FU to Trump and his vaccine stance. He is really alienating his base with his current take.

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May 7Author

I covered what I think might be happening here, there's an update towards the end of the post.


Tell me what you think...

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There is a very slight possibility, but I find it difficult to believe. I think Big Pharma has too strong of a hold to suggest vaccine hesitancy made sense.

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May 7Author

I hope you're right. Here's what I see.

Big Pharma is now part of the DoD. In essence Big Pharma is "third partied" Deep State/Permanent Government.

Of course, there's always the possibility that all of this (on Trump's behalf) is 4th dimensional chess, but I highly doubt it. History is often full of mistakes that sometimes end up working out. 😂🤣

Let's just hope that they work out for the American people this time around.

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I don't hope I am right. I certainly don't want Big Pharma to win.

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Mar 12Liked by OGRE

In a pickle for sure, but also not his first pickle rodeo either.

My guess/hope; he minimizes/avoids the issue, gets reelected, apologizes (or a more likely, just admits (blames other for) the mistakes) and then begins a moderate house cleaning of the swamp monster, including the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

If I had the delusion he'd listen to me, I'd suggest some acceptance of responsibility and admission of mistakes made. Knowing that he doesn't, I'll keep the criticisms to minimum, lest the real crazies get more ideas on how to defeat him.

Lots of ground to cover between now and Jan. 20, 2025. Not betting the house on any of it yet.

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Oh, I'm with you. I'm hoping for the best for sure!

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I love how you broke it down but it goes back to the Ebola stuff, Obama in 09 even laid some of the pandemic response but in 14 there was an executive order for responses to a potential pandemic. Here's something I have found interesting, the guy that did the Ebola vaccine is the same guy that did the J&J vaccine. It's a definite scam but it makes me wonder if Hillary and the Obama admin wasn't already geared up for it. Possibly why the effort to make people believe in the Russia Hoax. They knew the juice would be worth the mind squeeze and hey by the time people found out how who gives a crap, ya know, it's not like zee people are really going to storm the castle. ( side bar Jan 6 was a psy op)

Seriously though, there's more. I just wish Trump would be like F this. Here's what happened, I told you the truth, they got me too and I'm actually going to stand in their way bc I know you guys and even those with TDS who can't admit it have been screwed and here's how we fix it and actually do something about the drug cartels here that poison us. It's one thing if we want to poison ourselves but don't force us to buy this horseshit just like you need a flu shot every year. We are just livestock if someone supposedly in leadership doesn't lead on this Rand Paul has been the only one serious about getting Faui for his bs. I'm just troubled af. How can anyone deny it. Like I'm really disappointed and they're trying to spin it like it wasn't gene therapy and it's going to cure Cancer. It's mind numbing. Burn the field so we can as a society all of the country and rest of the world gets theirs eyes opened. If Trump doesn't do something about it I can't vote for him. Covid was like the beginning of a massive psychological war and biochemical war and I think history will show that even moreso than now, when it's all said and done. I really, really want him to do something about it. Like have a come to Jesus moment about it, for the people. It has really been bothering me since the state of the union. I use our bus system bc my rent has been gouged and it's whatever, I get to see all kinds of people when I leave my radius in my area and had to go to Tampa proper today, anyways there's people smiling more and less masks so I felt comfortable enough to do my have you seen the price of mayo bit and was cracking up. FJB was the consensus and it was fun. So many people are hip to the vaccine shit but nobody does anything. Anyways rant over but your right, it like DJT bro just level it and it can be a watershed moment for good in the long run. Expose it all( imagine me saying that like Montgomery Burns only laughing manically😁) I need results, not to be gaslit. Its honestly insulting to everyone especially those who have caught more hell for 4 years now as it's the 4 year anniversary of the end of the world and we're all just watching it happen.

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You're right on many points!

The best anyone can do now is let people know what's up. The media will *never* do that, so people either have to be *exposed* to the truth, or *seek* the truth. There is no "once trusted" media outlet that is going to expose any this. All of the major stakeholders in media are captured and tightly controlled.

People make a million excuses for Trump, and I get that. It's not really "Trump" they're rooting for, it's just for shit to get fixed! Everyone is tired of this nonsense. Now that we have all the technology that we do -- nothing works! We're told stories from past generations of how machines actually worked. When you called people things happened, and you could get things done.

It's not just politics though, it's everything. The medical industry is a total scam. Everything is electronic and automated, but none of the systems communicate with each other. And I'm not talking about between organizations -- I mean within one organization. That's one of the reasons that they want to see your insurance card every damn time you go to the doctor, because the minimum wage people they hire don't care enough to enter the data correctly. They just look to see if something is there. And the half-ass automated systems have no feedback mechanisms for when things don't work. They just fail in the background and nobody sees it. So they'll bill the insurance you had 6-years ago, 50 times, then send you to collections -- having never sent *you* a bill. All the while you have insurance that could have payed the doctor.

Government is no different. It's like being on hold for 30 minutes, then, when someone finally picks up, they tell you that they have to transfer you. That process can repeat 10 or more times, meanwhile nothing gets done. You just talk to people who listen to you, then hang up and get back on Facebook. They aren't going to help you. They can't help you. They're NOT supposed to help you. Their job is to make you deal with the shitty situation you're in, so the company doesn't have to lose money. It's better to leave the system broken and have people walk away, because fixing it might cost money.

Politicians are the call center employees of government. They aren't going to fix anything, because they system is designed so that they can't fix anything. They are supposed to "look" like they are going to fix things. They listen, they agree, then they go on with their lives.

I think *these* are the things that will get people to move. Sure there are sociopathic fruitcakes trying to kill everyone, but most people don't have the mental capacity to fathom that. They would rather not in most cases. However, play a little Sarah McLachlan, and show some sad puppy dogs, and they'll be donating in seconds! Or, like Fauci and the puppies he was torturing, people were more upset about that than they were all of the horrible things that resulted from his dictates and advice -- for humans! People are strange like that.

What needs to be exposed is the racket itself. Trump did a do some of that. Like $10 million dollars for gender studies in Pakistan -- where it's arguably illegal to be gay! Guaranteed that $10 million was coming straight back to the US by way of some politician's relatives that would have "head" the organization on gender studies in Pakistan -- on paper. THAT'S what should make people want to revolt! Everyone is being screwed over will the full force of government, and there is no legal remedy, because there are 1,000 levels between regular citizens, and the crooks pulling this shit day in and day out.

And you don't need a mountain of receipts to *know* that it's a racket. Rackets are rarely brought down because of hard evidence. They damn sure aren't brought down when the people who are charged with catching racketeers -- are themselves part of the racket!

At this point, I don't see how the normal "corrective methods" will get us out of what we're in. Because even if we replace the crooks, the people who will come in afterwards will have to unwind the 60+ years of racketeering that appears to operate as a legitimate government.

There's no telling how many agencies and programs literally are impossible to work out on paper. They just lie, fudge the numbers, get more funding next year, and move along.

Fixing this mess will be societal in scope. I say that because there are tons of people who are now caught up in the menagerie of fake systems, and actually rely on them. Fixing this is going to be a multigenerational endeavor. If we started now, I'd die before the damn DMV started working efficiently.

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While I share your sentiment I think if we all started helping each other and elevating each other and only wanting to work in the parallel economy or be entrepreneurnial about investing our time,money and attention into that we may be able to die in somewhat of a different state than the dystopia they have planned for us. Like in the expanse we don't have to struggle as those in the belt did for so long that we can't stay grounded on earth to do it. The amount of money that goes into suppressing every avenue of possibility for that needs to be eradicated and attacked as free people are being systematically attacked and destroyed. We need a Spartan approach bro. There's no way to organize against it and ultimately I think that's what Snowden was trying to tell us. Watch out for people who are corrupted and enticed with money and status and privilege. Talk about the wolves in sheep's clothing man. Pied pipers leading lemmings to the edge. Where's the ones saying your being led off a cliff if your willing to help there's safety for you and the others who want to live. We are even programmed to be opposing forces rather than attack the nucleus of these issues.

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I don't know how a parallel economy would get started, or if it would organically "form" on it's own.

I can definitely see people bartering for services. I can see that now to some extent. Much more than I have at any other point in my life.

Many people just need stuff done that they can't do. Some people want me to teach them about what I'm doing, other people just want to pay me and get it done. But I'm down either way. It makes me money in the end, and people know how to get ahold of me. From that aspect, I'm sort of building my own parallel economy. 🤣😂

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You are becoming an independent contractor and being industrious with your skills and strengths. That's good. Have you considered branching out on your own if you have the capital and teaching what you know since you have good word of mouth?

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I might just do that!

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13Liked by OGRE

Look into what David Ragsdale is talking about with RePlatform. I think you will enjoy it. His interview had got me thinking and they had a conference last weekend. They want to eliminate Amazon and those big companies who we're dependent on and give people who are not wanting to support the overlords killing us,our government, our societies and such options and the confidence of knowing you are investing in or working for or buying from a company that, hopefully, can get some healthy competition going as well to drive prices down eventually. While being ethical of course and all that but not try to sway elections.

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Both "sides" at the top agree on at least ONE major thing. They want MOST of us DEAD. While Trump focuses everyone on lower taxes and the border, our nation's people will be expiring in ever-greater numbers. Whoopie!

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It's definitely starting to shape up that way.

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Thanks for the info.

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The pandemic racket was formed 100 years or more before Trump. Eugenics & Free- Mason leadership gets the ball rolling back with the Carnegies, Rockefeller’s, etc. Oligards have been at this awhile.

Watch : Shots, Eugenics to Pandemics

Fauci KNEW well before the actual pandemic because he was funding the research with our tax dollars. He’s not a fortune- teller. He’s a baby killer.

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Sadly, most people are upset about Fauci torturing beagles, not his directives leading to the torture of humans.

I’ve seen the video you’re talking about. However, one doesn’t need to know the entire history of modern medicine to see that COVID-19 was a scam.

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Agree! One shining moment in 2022 at our home Mariners game, Fauci was in town to throw the first pitch. He was in town to receive an award for all his AIDS accomplishments. 🤮 Anyway, the crowd booed at him! Really loud and really not expected, ( by me), not from my mostly liberal city. I had a renewed hope that people WERE paying attention and seeing the harms he had caused. It’s on YouTube. Brief, shining moment in time. They still happen.


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