Yes, if this were merely what it claimed to be, a way for investors to personally tailor their investments by their morals, I would be all for it.

It's like the 15 minute city. Who wouldn't like the option to live within walking distance of most of their daily needs? But then they let the mask slip and you start to see how badly they desire us all to live in gated communities...where they are the gatekeepers!

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Mar 23Author

That's because all that leftists/statists/globalists sell are lies.

It's all presented as something OTHER than what it is. Which is also the reason for censoring speech.

They don't want people catching on to the scam!

It's like a 24-month zero interest credit card. Until you read the fine print and find out that 2-years is a long time to guarantee that you might not miss one single payment (for something you couldn't afford to begin with). At which point you're hit with 29.99% interest on the total amount at the time of purchase -- not the remaining balance.

15-minute cities are no different. It's ALWAYS a bait and switch.

Leftism/Globalism is like a 24-month zero interest credit card -- only the fine print is hidden, and you NEVER get to read it! Only now, you've agreed to it (whatever it is). Now come on board...

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