This has to stop. There are ways of running scenarios without involving living people.

But, they are malthusians. They want about 5 billion people on earth, no more no less.

It's cruel and inhumane to hobble food production and then blame it on the weather.

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Author

The same thing happened with COVID.

The Spars Pandemic Scenario was a war game to determine how the government would "handle" the public in the event of a deadly pandemic.

The similarities between the wargame's suggested responses, and the methods employed by western governments is eerily similar. Even the names of the various treatments are similar.

I detail it more here:


At any rate, these wargames seem to, at least, predict what the government(s) response might look like, to a similar event. That's not to say that *all* events are planned, but it's no different than knowing the protocols a fire department might follow, as they handle an actual fire. Or say, FEMA protocols employed after a natural disaster.

In the case of food shortages, these events are definitely being planned. And governments are openly involved in setting fertilizer usage standards that will curb production. Why? To try and limit "Anthropogenic [man caused] Climate Change."

Of course, the claim that mankind is responsible for climate variations, at least on the scale they ask us to believe, is nonsense. These "climate scientists" are about as accurate as any doomsday sayer on a street corner. How many times were we supposed to have died based on their predictions -- in recent past years?

The planet has been much hotter, and much cooler than it is now -- before the industrial age. But this is ignored.

Everything is cyclical, and this is *known* it's just not mentioned. The role the sun plays is not even considered in the official IPCC, or government climate models. Why? Because nobody can claim to control the output of the sun. The sun is off planet. Which is why it must be left out of climate models that "prove" mankind is responsible for the current climate.

However when the sun goes down, the temperature drops drastically. We all know that. Buildings are designed with the direction of exterior walls strategically positioned to reduce, or increase, sunload. Because the sun has the largest outside effect on heating a building. But somehow, we're asked to believe that the sun plays a minimal role in *everything* climate related?

It's madness.

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