Thanks for finding a good paper on this (2019). Overall, I doubt that the garbage they are pumping out is that precise (i.e. activating latent "genetic defects"). For one, I do not believe in genetic defects any more - nobody knows what "normal" genetics are, so it's not really possible to say what is defective, with exception of chromosomal (not genetic) abnormalities. However, vast majority of those are results of multi-generational poisoning, mostly with vaccines. mRNA injections are just more aggressive poisoning vs previous methods, and so it is pretty much an indiscriminate culling.

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That is putting an optimistic spin on a rather grim circumstance... But an interesting thought for sure.

It seems like the master puppeteers didn't take Z- jab themselves, as the world leaders were showing with masks on in 2021 just to take them off as soon as a photo-op was finished and laughed their heads off. Their feared neither the virus nor the jab. Also, none of them "died suddenly", to our disappointment.

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True, and you had that Spanish pharma guy who was caught paying for a fraudulent vaccine passport.


It's in Spanish, but you can translate the page. This guy had 35 years in the Pharma industry, and there was no way he was getting jabbed. He knew what was up.

Those in high enough positions all knew what was to be expected.

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BTW, many more customers of the same pharmacist were caught, like sports figures and such. I wonder what happened to them, in the end. Or was it just a psyop/gaslighting for the rest to fear?

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Who knows? I think it depends on the laws governing "informed consent" in those countries. Because we know that nobody who was jabbed had real informed consent. That might be why we never heard of any prosecutions. That would draw attention to the issue.

Like I pointed out in my article. Even the damn Internet Archive was scrubbed so people couldn't easily research what was about to be administered to them.

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Nothing happened! And other articles about that investigation were scrubbed from the Internet, like: https://worldness.qc.to/was-dr-sousa-faro-arrested-for-fake-vaccination-charges-what-happened-explored/sports:

"Sousa-Faro, the president of the pharmaceutical company PharmaMar. He was injected with saline instead of the vaccine and paid a large sum to have his name entered into the database of vaccinated people, it was found. Several other big names, including Trinitario Casanova, rapper Kidd Keo and Anier, soccer player Bruno Gonzalez Cabrera, a reputed doctor Camilo Esquivel, etc., have been exposed under Operation Jenner. ... José Maria Fernández ..." Unfortunately, the article itself is nowhere to be found.

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American eugenics = Margaret Sanger, the woman most admired by Hillary Clinton.

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She was definitely part of the eugenics movement.

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Autoimmune disorders, myocarditis, hearing loss, recurrent cancers, Remdesivir deaths, vaccine death and Covid deaths are TRUTH. Just because one doesn’t personally witness someone dropping dead, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Our medical community witnesses this everyday

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I really like this hypothesis Ogre, thank you for the work you put into it.

I have the same opinion as Sasha Latypova here in your comment section - that the gene thing has always been almost completely a red herring, and that degenerative illnesses have more than likely been thoughtfully, prepared and administered to us.

But silly me, I had followed GMO contamination of our food since the mid 80s, and knew just enough about bioweapons and lab "accidents" to think "they" were, again, thoughtfully preparing to protect us with an mRNA injection (Yay! No harmful adjuvants!!) against a dangerous pathogen someone had screwed with in a lab.

That even though, ALL THE FERRETS DIED, "they"d somehow put a little sugar, oil, salt and magic sauce together to shoot us up with and that it would be a nothing burger if it did anything at all.

Fortunately, one of my sons was very well researched and hounded me until I was convinced the injections were folly. And an 88 yr old Chiropractor whispered to me that by 8 weeks in, in 2021, he'd already treated 6 cases of thrombocytopenia.

I truly did not think the shots would be as diabolical as they are, but I did think they would harm me for some reason....

I'd also seen several cases of injury and death in animals following "vaccination".

My dearest oldest friend, who was never sick a day in her life developed a massive hemangioma on her upper spine after 2 pfhucking pfizers and was completely paralyzed from the waist down until she had a 6 hour surgery and a year of recovery. She's still not walking so great. And claims she has "no idea in the world" how she could have grown a huge growth on her spine out of the blue! But no one says,"Oh hemangioma, that's a common vax injury". Because almost no one's heard of the almost always benign cysts babies are often born with and get removed at time of birth, much less in connection with vaccines.

I saw a few deaths, several strokes, many more clots, lots of cancers and some heart attacks in people I know who took these shots.

And your Eugenics Timeline is right on.

I've been fighting that shit my whole life, because it's so prevalent in the Ivy League society I was raised in.

So thank you!

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Makes sense. But they are idiots because it will harm everyone in my opinion because of epigenetics. I guess the people who knew about this would have taken saline. Or did they do the right thing and cull themselves?

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Jul 6Edited

I don't believe that many people who were "in the know" took the actual vaccine.

Remember this:



Police allege that Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccination and paid thousands of dollars to have his name added to Spain's immunization register, as confirmed by police sources and reported by El Periodico de Espana.

Dr. Sousa-Faro is among more than 2,200 celebrities and European elites on the list drawn up by National Police of those falsely vaccinated against Covid.


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It's good to be open-minded. However their words (useless eaters, fourth industrial revolution, Georgia guidestone goals) are imo directionally inconsistent with your premise. Also the general science (indiscriminate autoimmune risk from indiscriminate mRNA hijacking of any cell via nanolipid, indiscriminate cancer risk from indiscriminate plasmid DNA transaction of any cell via nanolipid, spike protein indiscriminate toxicity) is imo also directionally inconsistent with your premise.

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Perhaps, but keep in mind the eugenics movement was always about getting rid of those who were a "burden to society."

Indiscriminately knocking people off wouldn't be ideal, because you might knock off a bunch of the people with "superior genes."

Of course all of this is hypothetical.

I just couldn't imagine eugenicists wanting to indiscriminately reducing the global population.

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Dec 20, 2023
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I'm not implying that the vaccines were designed to genetically target specific people on a genetic basis.

I'm wondering though, if they didn't stumble upon something by accident in testing. Something that might cause people, already susceptible to genetic disorders, to have them awaken when poisoned by the vaccines.

Keep in mind, nearly all of the "spontaneous" genetic disorders are said to occur after an infection from something. Viral infection being the infection listed most often.

Similar to cancer. We know that there are specific types of cancer that are present almost exclusively in smokers. Like small-cell carcinoma.

If you wanted to label any cancer a "turbo cancer" small-cell carcinoma would be one. In the vast majority of people diagnosed with it, it has already metastasized, and is in multiple organs. That's why the prognosis is so disheartening.


I'm wondering if the vaccine poisoning is similar. Something likely to make people with genetic predispositions to cancer, or other immune-relates illnesses sick.

Besides, if they wanted to kill people off indiscriminately, why try to stop people from smoking? You could make plenty of money, and guarantee a percentage of the population would die, and have reproductive issues as well. After all, smoking is already legal.

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My immediate neighbor did die suddenly when the jabs first arrived, but I am talking about now, 2 years+ in.

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Two things. First, was your neighbor jabbed? Second, nobody knows what the long-term side effects are. mRNA treatments haven't been tested this far out.

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I assume he was: they are liberals. I understand that there are probably long term effects; I am merely pointing out that so far, the sky is not falling. It may well fall, there may be some tipping point, but right now, we just have a lot of hype.

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Just keep in mind the way that vaccine deaths are handled is like AD&D insurance (Accidental Death and Dismemberment). AD&D insurance is VERY cheap -- because it's almost never paid out. AD&D generally requires that someone dies as a direct result of the accident.

For example, someone falls off a ladder and breaks their leg (compound fracture). As a result, they end up with an infection finally resulting in death. AD&D insurance won't pay out, because the person didn't die -- from the accident (at the scene of the accident). They didn't die from falling off the ladder, they died from sepsis because of an infection. There will be no mention of a ladder on the death certificate.

This is how vaccine deaths are treated. Someone gets the jab, then dies from congestive heart failure, arterial blockage, a stroke, whatever. So, there is always plausible deniability. It's not like they are asking, or checking to see if someone is vaccinated -- upon death.

To make it worse, the CDC said that people who get jabbed are not "considered vaccinated" until 14-days AFTER injection. That means there is a 14-day window for people to die, which will never be counted as a vaccine death.

I'm sure that many people have died as a result of these injections, but they are not listed as vaccine deaths.

Any numbers on vaccine deaths will be buried in statistics, and will be very hard to link directly to the vaccines. That's by design.

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I am familiar with all that. I point back to my earlier comments on no one dropping in an airport, sporting event, excessive vehicle accidents, my neighbors, etc. All we have are stories and statistics, and we all know how easily it is to fabricate both. When I see people dropping like flies all around me, then I’ll be convinced.

You are working awfully hard to sell this thing that just cannot be generally and obviously observed. That’s exactly what they did with the scam.

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You don't have to personally witness people dropping dead.

The insurance industry is taking note.


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I propose that a larger-than-you-know proportion of the injected have new health issues they are dealing with. Just because they seem to be chugging along doesn't mean things aren't going bump in the night for them. Plus, unless you are an intimate, they won't divulge personal health issues to you.

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Two things seem obvious to me:

1. That only a percentage of the population has been harmed by the vaccines, meaning that the rest got placebos, got vaccines designed to do other things like sterilization, or if all were kill shots, it’s taking longer than expected.

2. I am highly suspicious of the “sky is falling” from guys like Mark Crispin Miller. Most of the people he howls about are celebrities - sports figures and entertainers - people out of reach to the average person for confirmation.

What I am not seeing, is my neighbors dropping. Not one single person. And I am deep inside liberal idiocracy on the left coast of California, where almost everyone I know got jabbed. I’ve traveled quite a bit since the scam and I haven’t seen one person drop in the airport, not one single plane, train or bus crash. And no doctor or nurse at our local hospital has dropped dead. Where is this mass die off that Miller et al scream so loudly about?

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Are you seeing preciously healthy people struggling with their health post-jab but still chugging along?

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I'm putting a hypothetical out there. I'm not claiming what I pondered was validated.

That being said, I have heard stories from people with that occurring yes. In fact the other day at the pharmacy the lady in front of me in line said her husband's health went down hill immediately after getting jabbed. She said it made him very sick for a few days, then he kept getting worse. Then he ended up in the hospital. Now, she says, he's been diagnosed with some rare congenital disorder, one that he had no family history of.

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No, but I have noticed some jabbed that appear healthier, which led me to wonder if some of these jabs were transhumance enhancements.

Thinking further on the non-mass die off, I live in a huge tourist draw area, and I’ve not seen one instance of someone just dropping dead. What, do all these heart attack and stroke victims conveniently do it at home? You should be seeing random occurrences all over the place - movie theaters, sporting events, hiking trails, continual highway accidents. But nothing out of the ordinary. Don’t you find that inconsistent with the mass due off hype?

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The same logic applies to all of the COVID-19 deaths that were said to have happened. There were no stories I saw, where people died at home. You only heard about hospital deaths.

Everything surrounding COVID-19 was nonsensical.

1.) The manufacturer(s) own trial data show that there were risks of very serious side effects. Historical data, so far as mRNA gene therapy development, reflect this as well. Not only that, there were problems were with the method of action. What magic occurred in less than 9 months to change the entire mRNA method of action?

2.) The "authorities" FDA, CDC, and manufacturers admit that they don't know the possible long-term side effects, how could they, it hasn't been long enough. However, when possible side effects are mentioned, they always claim that they can't be vaccine related. You can't have it both ways. You can't claim not to know what could happen, then in the same breath, know what is *not* happening. That's not science, that's a Monty Python sketch!

3.) There was an information suppression campaign. This is not a conspiracy "theory" the Twitter Files released my Musk prove this. Facebook even blocked content and links to Pfizer's official website. Why? Because the data proved that there were serious questions as to safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Factual data was at odds with "official guidance."

4.) All alternative treatments were immediately banned. Not only that, there was a push by the NIH/NIAID to block research into alternatives to the vaccines. Vaccines are usually years out, before development and testing is completed. It makes no logical sense to *not* triage. Try immediate treatments first, because a vaccine would normally be years away. There's only two possible reasons for this, 1.) This was planned, and the government authorities weren't really worried about COVID deaths. 2.) They didn't care about saving lives. It was always about mRNA technology approval.

5.) The COVID death statistics are completely and totally false. The CDC generated shoddy COVID death data. They admitted to adding died "with" COVID and died "from" COVID in their statistics. Why? If they truly wanted to count COVID deaths, you would never do that. Which again leads to, they weren't truly interested in "knowing" true COVID death statistics. This is provable because the CDC's COVID infection fatality ratio data are correct. That being the case, COVID, being on par with the Flu can't cause the deaths of 5-times more people! Oops, they forgot that people know how to cover ratios to percentages.

6.) The entire COVID response has been illogical at every turn. The lockdowns were the first clue. Once the virus was literally everywhere -- before anyone even knew to look for it, what good could a quarantine do? Why are there no lockdowns for the Flu? The Flu has the same infection fatality ratio as COVID, and we also don't know when or where the Flu starts each year.

7.) I'm from the government, and I'm here to help...

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I agree that people aren't dropping dead like flies. However, there were two sudden deaths in my family and others reported by friends. Also many of the jabbed in my circle have developed health problems, including cancer/growths; many of them are young and did not have health problems before.

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I am sorry for your losses. I do not disbelieve the accounts I hear like yours, it’s just the critical mass that I don’t see. What I do see though, are the numbers and symbols embedded into many of the mouthpieces spewing propaganda and mind control on all sides of the issue. And I trust my instincts a lot more now, where if something seems off about a narrative or person, I proceed very cautiously.

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I agree about not seeing a critical mass of death. What I do notice via hard information but also by critical observation of people around me (subjective) a critical mass of morbidity in people who otherwise should be in excellent health. Watch the way they walk, their skin tone, etc. Time will tell if the morbidity (if true) will lead to worse and worse outcomes -- thus providing plausible deniability to the injectors. In many cases, after talking to people, I am finding the truth comes out as to their new health problems. In other cases, I watch them suddenly go on restrictive diets (e.g. gluten, fasting, avoidance of caffeinated drinks).

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I am seeing many people adopting or attempting to adopt healthier lifestyles. For example by going to the gym or by taking supplements, seeing naturopaths, etc. I view it as fighting back, which is human nature. The question is, what are their odds against the novel poison?

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The upside of all this, is the huge and justified skepticism of modern medicine and doctors. Still, many people love to say they “have Covid”, just for the attention, so the ERs will always be full of sympathy seeking people. And the people who bought it all hook, line, and sinker, many of them would love to see another round of lock downs, given they look like complete fools right now, and don’t want to admit they were fooled.

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There's nothing wrong with people taking better care of themselves, that's for sure.

I've seen COVID used as a universal excuse. Those faulty tests come in handy when someone wants time off. 🤔

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